The foreign exchange currency market, often called the Forex/FX, is the world's largest moving financial market. Our Master Traders and Education platform will ensure you learn all the intricate detail and strategies required to succeed in Wall Streets Best Kept Secret Profession. Our main goal is assist our team by any means necessary to attain financial freedom.

A Forex Traders lifestyle comes with the freedom to work from any location in the world, as long as you have a Laptop / Smart Phone and Internet Connection. Generally Forex Trading, has been
misconstrued with negative connotations, however, if done properly with the correct mindset and Risk Management, it can be very lucrative and ensure a wonderful lifestyle with freedom of time, income and location. Having said so, this profession is NOT for everyone. Self Awareness, Greed Control and a strong Growth Mindset, is a crucial requirement to succeed in this profession.

EDUCATE - We are dedicated to provide the best hands on Forex Education
MOTIVATE - We believe you cannot be a good Forex Trader, if you aren't motivated to become the best version of yourself
CULTIVATE - Our Students end up becoming our Trading Team Partners, We Learn Together and We Earn Together

While our primary focus is to teach our students Institutional Forex Trading, we are equally conscious to instill a motivated and winning mindset in each and every one of our PXF Family members. We spend a significant portion of our educational hours, in helping our students become more self aware, learn their strengths and weaknesses and overall become the best version of a person and trader they can be. This is why our students, go on top substituting their primary income with Forex Trading, or better yet, add a consistent and dependable monthly additional income, through a continuous
learning and earning lifestyle

We have a comprehensive curriculum that includes academic excellence, as well as hands on Live Mentorship ,multiple sessions per week.
We take pride in the valuable hours we spend with our PXF family members and share our intricate experiences during these Live Mentorship sessions.
We also facilitate and accommodate 1:1 live training sessions based on student needs and upon special request.
Most, if not All of our PXF Family members get their frequently asked questions and much more explained in mch detail during these Live Mentorship sessions

We, at PXF believe - Our Network is Our Net Worth - Our Family members become good friends and Trading Partners, post completion of their course and curriculum. Throughout the entire learning process, our students foster great bonds, and develop a selfless sense of comradery, sharing analysis, practicing together to overcome challenges, group studying and helping each other with difficult topics and strategies - which leads to an ever growing network of phenomenally balanced and motivated leaders, coming from a wide range of professional backgrounds,
binding us all as - One PXF Family.